The craniosacral system includes the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid, the system of membranes inside the cranium, all 22 cranial bones, the spine, pelvis and sacrum.  

By using precise and gentle contacts with sensitive fingers, the movement and energetics of the bones are followed and longstanding patterns of tension and stored trauma are unwound. Sometimes, by touching just the right place in just the right way, a visionary can help the client understand what troubles them, and what they need to reclaim their equanimity, and their place in life. Such work can also help the client access and release their healing potential. Craniosacral work can be used to address issues such as TMJD, headaches including migraines, insomnia, emotional distress, or muscular tension.

You receive this work fully clothed, lying face up on a massage table. Contacts may be made anywhere from the head to the feet, with each contact lasting from several minutes to 15 minutes or more.

Allow me to say something truly personal about craniosacral work. It's simultaneously subtle and profound. From my very first experience with this work I felt as if I was connected to something more...something bigger than just me on the table and the practitioner at my side. When I am facilitating the session, it is the same. My teacher, Hugh Milne, described it as: remembering the touch of Spirit on the body.